Siz seyahatlerinizde neler alıyorsunuz? Anne'nin sıklıkla satın aldığı, seyahat ettikleri ülkeye özel aksesuarlar...Örneğin sol taraftaki beyaz kolyeleri Makedonya'dan, ortadaki rengarenk kolyeyi Güney Afrika'dan, kırmızı mercan kolyeyi Hırvatistan'dan, turuncu amber takıları Letonya'dan, hemen yanındaki kalın bileziği ve en tepedeki turuncu taşlı küpeyi Tunus'tan, onun yanındaki antik takı setini Amasya'dan, sağ alt taraftaki Murano camından kolyeyi Venedik'ten, sağ üsteki antik kolyeyi Bükreş'ten, ortasındaki ince bilezikleri ve yüzüğü Malezya'dan, telkari tarzı küpeleri Cordoba'dan almışlardı...
What do you buy from your travels? Mommy usually buys accessories that reflect travelled countries...For example, the white necklaces on the left side are from Macedonia, the middle colorful necklace is from South Africa, the red coral necklace is from Croatia, the orange amber accessories are from Latvia, the thick bracelet just next to them on the right side and the top earrings with orange stone are from Tunisia, the antique set next to it is from Amasya/Turkey, the necklace made from Murano glass on the lower right is from Venice, the antique necklace on upper right is from Bucharest, the thin bracelets and ring in the middle are from Malaysia, filigree style earrings are from Cordoba/Spain...
What do you buy from your travels? Mommy usually buys accessories that reflect travelled countries...For example, the white necklaces on the left side are from Macedonia, the middle colorful necklace is from South Africa, the red coral necklace is from Croatia, the orange amber accessories are from Latvia, the thick bracelet just next to them on the right side and the top earrings with orange stone are from Tunisia, the antique set next to it is from Amasya/Turkey, the necklace made from Murano glass on the lower right is from Venice, the antique necklace on upper right is from Bucharest, the thin bracelets and ring in the middle are from Malaysia, filigree style earrings are from Cordoba/Spain...
Photo: By @denizibilenbaliklar
Çekildiği Yer/Taken Place: İstanbul-Home
Çekildiği Tarih/Date: 08 Nisan 2017
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